a smorgasbord of side quests

I firmly believe the best part of any dining table are the sides. They’re bite-sized, shareable, and are often where you end up after one too many drinks.

that one time I created a plushie for Visa

Meet Beep, your pocket-sized financial bestie and Visa’s first squishable mascot.

In collaboration with our professional team of cute-ographers, we created an actual plushie to navigate the stressful world of adulting. He’s extra soft, with plush hands and legs for you to hold on to for moral support. With Beep, you never have to carry your emotions alone-he’s got a lil zipper at the back to keep them safe for you!

in the same vein, pitched a movie and reality show concept featuring capybara… for Visa

tbh, I’m not entirely sure how I got here either.

that one time I read out a wikihow bread recipe for a song

waiting on my Grammy nomination as we speak.

that one time I cosplayed as a radio deejay (and podcaster)

My first step into the industry came from majoring in Radio Production during my time in Ngee Ann Poly. What started as an interest in music, quickly revealed itself as a passion for yapping.

that one time i did hand stuff
