Social Campaign | Pepsi

Taking social-first to the streets


Street food is revered in Southeast Asia, offering a diverse palette to locals and tourists alike. Recognizing the significance of street food in the region's culinary culture, Pepsi aimed to enhance its presence in Thailand and the Philippines' street food scene by connecting with the authenticity and energy of food enthusiasts who uphold this culture.


In Pepsi’s first socially informed campaign, we wanted to mirror Asian foodies and their authentic passion for sharing the food they love with their friends. We launched the initiative on social media with a lively street food debate, featuring popular online personalities Belle Mariano and Mimiyuuuh in the Philippines, and PROXIE in Thailand, competing to determine the ultimate street food favorite.

Unfortunately, while technology hasn't yet given us smell-o-vision or taste-o-vision, the only way to truly judge the best dish is to hit the streets! Building on the enthusiastic exchanges between the influencers and their fans, we captured their mini street food tour as they sampled recommendations from one another and their followers.

PH Localisation: We added a touch of local flair with a mini sing-and-dance interlude, including a playful rap battle between Belle and Mimiyuuuh. Why? Because it's fun, and because we can (the fans loving it was just an added bonus ❤️)



  • Street Food Fizz Off stands as Belle Mariano and Mimiyuuuh’s best-performing social campaign with Pepsi, outperforming previous results by 204%.


  • PROXIE’s Street Food film garnered 532% more engagements than their previous campaign static with Pepsi.

Thai Localisation with PROXIE


The Little Mermaid (2023)


Press Play On Summer